MK Gulvsliping AS

MK Gulvsliping AS

På tide å slipe gulv?


  • Sliping alle typer tre gulv
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  • Sliping av trapp
  • Benkeplater sliping
Great team, thorough and professional, our floors look stunning! Kept perfectly to the building schedule, we will definitely use MK for our next project.
Elsa LiljaElsa Lilja
22:48 27 Nov 22
Wow! I had these old yellow oak floors and didn’t think there was much that could be done to make them look better. But the result from MK Gulvsliping was amazing. It turned out exactly how I wanted, even better. My friends and family were also surprised how well it turned out. They were very responsive, friendly and on time, and even finished two days before plan. I will highly recommend them to anyone!
Simen Berg KlemmetsenSimen Berg Klemmetsen
09:11 11 Nov 22
Great work as agreed!
Per FlydalPer Flydal
12:08 12 Oct 22
We had the floor sanded and varnished in the living room, kitchen and dining room. Many marks after several years with a large dog and small children were completely removed, so the parquet looked like new.Since we are careless and use the floor hard, we were advised to use varnish instead of oil. We were doubtful, but after they had sanded and made five "samples" with different colors of varnish and oil, we took the chance on varnish. Three coats of 2-component varnish with a matt coat on top gave a very good result.Our dog certainly doesn't like it, because she doesn't get as good a "grip" on the parquet as before. But that's kind of beside the point 😂It was clear that they know what they are doing, so we trusted the advice they (unsolicited) gave us. The whole job took only two days, and was very well and efficiently carried out. After a long weekend at the cabin, we could come home and use the floor as normal right away.MK Gulvsliping AS can certainly be recommended
Lars KlavenessLars Klaveness
12:27 26 Aug 22
Very good job done - no need to change damaged oak floor. Applied 2 component varnish without problems

Vi er her for deg på alle måter vi kan være

Vi sliper og behandler alle typer gulv Har du et gulv av god kvalitet eller et gammelt heltregulv du ønsker å friske opp er ofte gulvsliping en god løsning. Vi sliper og behandler alle typer tregulv og trapper. Vi legger mye oppmerksomhet på profesjonell rådgiving i valg av riktige vedlikehold metoder og behandling, slik at deres husets «største møbel» skal ikke bare kle interiøret sammen, men skal også beholde sitt utseendet i mange år. Du kan velge mellom olje, lakk eller en beis på overflaten.

Vi utfører gulvsliping og behandling
av alle typer tregulv

For å få tilbake strukturen i gulvet er det sliping som er løsningen. Vi har lang erfaring fra bransjen. Vi utfører jobber for private og bedrifter i Oslo / Bærum og omegn.

Kundeporteføljen har blitt stor og god etter mange år i bransjen. Kundene våre består hovedsakelig av private kunder, men vi har også mange bedrifter og organisasjoner som har brukt våre tjenester.


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+47 91 90 94 52
Hoffsveien 27, 0275 Oslo